Upcoming training


We return to the Pentagon on the 30th of October for another 2 1/2 days Safe to Say training with community link workers and is ever looking forward to those sessions will be back to let you know how that went.


We will be delivering another Safe to Say – Working with Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse to the latest Alliance Community Link Workers in November. We will also, at the beginning of December be facilitating three 1 day refresher courses for Community Link Workers on Trauma Informed Training revisiting the different aspects of trauma, recognising the presence of trauma symptoms and responding accordingly.

We have very much enjoyed delivering training at The Pentagon Centre in Glasgow. There’s a great vibe and they are very accommodating hosts.


We will be back at the William Quarrier Conference Centre working with the third group of Community Link Workers in Glasgow GP practices. They will be participating in Safe to Say – Working with Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. We welcome the fact that this is mandatory training for the Link Workers which the acknowledges the high percentage of survivors of trauma.  We have received other enquiries from other organisations across the homeless and housing sectors who are interested in Safe to Say and Vicarious Trauma Training.


We will be delivering two vicarious trauma training days to constituency staff of Hannah Bardell, Livingston MSP and to managers at the Alliance in Glasgow in September and November. We will also be returning to deliver Safe to Say – Working with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse to the latest cohort of link workers at the Alliance, from 4-6 November 2019. We will be delivering a more generic Safe to Say two day training to the voluntary sector in Aberdeen towards the end of October 2019.