Safe to Say can deliver the following training programmes and they will:

- Build staff capacity and quality of response to adult survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) within existing agencies.
- Train front-line staff in all sectors to be more confident in dealing with adult survivors who disclose CSA and
- Train supervisors and managers supporting staff working with disclosures
- Raise staff awareness of the challenges parent survivors may face.
The trauma informed training available will consist of:
- Training for Trainers, which is aimed at people who will go on to become trainers within their organisation, is a 6 day course. They will be equipped to deliver the Frontline and Supervisory training.
- Safe to Say is aimed at staff that are likely to work with Adult Survivors. The training gives workers the confidence and awareness to enable them to work with adults who may disclose. This is a 2.5 day course.
- Safe for Parents to Say which provides participants with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and abilities in relation to parents who are survivors of CSA and the impact this may have on their parenting. This is a 2 day course.
- Self Injury Training will provide staff with the opportunity to safely explore and discuss self injury. It will increase their knowledge and understanding of self injury: its nature and reasons for it. It will also develop participants skills and confidence in responding helpfully to people who self injure. This is a 2 day training.
- Vicarious Trauma Training, a newly developed training aimed at enabling staff teams to engage with trauma survivors appropriately and sensitively, find ways of supporting and protecting themselves as responders and develop support structures across the team. This is a 1 day course.
The future aim of Safe to Say Trauma Informed Training and Consultancy is to embed our training into the curriculum for Student Nurses, both Mental Health and General, Teachers, Nursery Teachers and Child Care workers, Police and Prison staff and Theology students.
We recognise the importance of evaluation in all of our work to help ensure we are delivering exceptional quality training and in encouraging us to reflect on our practice and meet the expectations of course participants. Here is a selection of some of the feedback we have received on our courses:
Safe to Say Training
Community Link Workers October and November 2024
“I found the whole course to be really informative and useful and found that all aspects covered different topic areas.”
“All of the course was useful particularly discussing what survivors need and illustrating that we already have many skills we can apply.”
“Insight into sensitively supporting BME survivors and survivor stories. Also recognition of personal attitudes.”
“Learning that it’s OK to ask about CSA and that people may want to be asked.”
“It was very informative both are clearly well informed on subject matter but respected our knowledge and expertise as well.”
“Both trainers Sue and Willie were very well equipped with knowledge and personal professional experience felt they were very supportive and brilliant.”
“Very warm and welcoming and considerate, they made the environments ours.”
“Very insightful I learned the importance of understanding the risk that the survivors family and community network might present in BME communities.”
“To be honest it was obviously a heavy subject but the way it was delivered really made it easy to absorb.”
“The digging deeper at a personal professional experience.”
“Every participant was willing to share their experiences emotion and responses and lots of trust in the room.”
“Thank you! I feel much more confident in handling disclosures of CSA.”
“Thank you so much this is probably the best training course I have done.”
“Thank you so much Sue and Willie this course was very unique and will definitely form shape my practise.”
“Thoroughly enjoyed what the course gave me, and you lens to approach my work with survivors, thank you.”
Safe to Say Training
Community Link Workers of The Alliance and WAWY – February 2024
“Covered sensitive issues with exercises to engage actively rather than listening to an instruction. Mridul’s section on BME was especially engaging.”
“Learning how to approach the subject of CSA.”
“All aspects of the course went well.”
“I enjoyed all aspects of the course.”
“I feel more confident asking survivors questions I may have found difficult before.“
Trauma Informed Training Refreshers
Community Link Workers – February 2024
“Discussions about practice and complex clients.”
“Sharing challenges and receiving advice and support.”
“Revisiting previous learning, opportunity to discuss openness of supporting people with trauma.”
“Refresh on effects of trauma, group conversations felt open and relaxed, handout on skills, etc, very useful tool.”
“Being given a safe and comfortable environment to discuss the different aspects and effects of trauma.”
“All of the course went well with the group sharing and listening to each other.”
“I now feel more confident in my practice.”
“Helpful as a check in for us as practitioners and as a reminder of the experiences of our participants.”
“What I expected and also made better by the support and input from the trainer.”
Working with Vicarious Trauma
Community Link Workers – We are With You and The Alliance, September 2022
“A safe and welcoming space to share how we are feeling. Thank you.”
” Learning about vicarious trauma; I hadn’t realised it had affected me until today, so much resonated, it was an eye-opener.”
“A better understanding of vicarious trauma and how to better self-care.”
” Having time to recognise signs and discuss with colleagues.”
“Very positive, especially the feeling of being listened to.”
Safe to Say
Community Link Workers, June 2022
“I feel so much more prepared to support people who make disclosures. Much more informed and capable.”
“Very useful, especially dispelling myths and watching the video of the three men and hearing re: BME survivors.”
“Well paced with plenty of opportunity for participants to offer thoughts and questions, very educational and helpful.”
“My expectations were met and far exceeded. A brilliant course I hope it runs for years.”
Safe to Say
Community Link Workers, September 2021
“Very supportive as facilitators made the environment very open and gave space for everyone’s views. They held the space very well.”
“ I felt safe enough to explore my feelings and share.”
“Important reflection on who we are as people, and how this influences us as practitioners.”
“Learning how to approach the subject with survivors, I now feel more confident and comfortable, the survivor’s film was emotional, compelling, hard to process at points, however inspirational and thought provoking.”
“The film was very sad but powerful, I now feel more aware of male survivors.”
Safe to Say
Community Link Workers, August 2021
“This helped us to really understand the experiences of survivors and how their trauma might present, how to effectively engage and listen, be mindful of our own impact on individuals as workers.”
“I was reassured about my ability to help, that we can be ourselves when asking about CSA and trusting myself as a practitioner.”
“Enhanced my own understanding a great deal, will inform my practice in a very positive way.”
“ I feel more confident to engage and support survivors, feeling I don’t have to all the answers and don’t need to fix everything.”
Working with Vicarious Trauma
Online Training with Victim Support Staff, September 2020
“A highly beneficial course for staff mental health and moral.”
“I would encourage all staff to undertake this course.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the training course, hearing from colleagues has given me a renewed appreciation and perspective on the challenges they face on a daily basis.”
“The course far exceeded my expectations.”
“The safety created in the group was really great and made me feel supported and to share honestly.”
Safe for Parents to Say
Early Years Centre, August 2019
“It really built my confidence. My expectations were completely met. I got so much more than I thought I would.”
“This was a great learning environment. The survivors film was very powerful and informative.”
“Keep delivering the course and very informative and a great way to reflect on practice.”
The survivors film was described as:
“Brave and inspiring people, I’d like to thank them for sharing their stories and helping to advance practice.”
“The most useful aspect of the course for me was acknowledging that I do have the skills to deal with survivors.”
Safe for Parents to Say
Early Years Centre, April 2019
People commented on the most useful aspects of the course as being:
“Greater understanding of the subject and the lifelong affects of survivors.”
“Hearing that it’s ok not to be an expert.”
“Making you really think about things and your practice.”
The survivors’ film was described as:
“Powerful and will stay with me in a positive way.”
“It was really good to hear from real people who have experienced trauma.”
“The trainers were brilliant, really engaging and nurturing and fantastic at listening to all of the group.”
Other comments were:
“Lots of new knowledge and understanding and confidence to apply to my job role and in life in general.”
“This course is completely different from any other course I have been on, although it was difficult at times, I will remember all I have learnt which doesn’t always happen with my other training opportunities.”
“This should be part of every single staff training, we all need to be talking about this stuff. Let’s all talk about trauma.”
Safe to Say
Scottish Football Association, January 2019
“The trainers were excellent, with insightful use of personal experiences.”
“I hoped to grow my confidence on the subject and I feel I achieved that.”
“It was very comfortable and safe and very easy to participate in discussions.”
“I found the time allowed for reflection and slow paced honest discussion were the most useful aspects of the course.”
“I was left with a feeling of immense admiration for the survivors in the film. I now understand the magnitude of the decision to disclose.”
“My expectations were fully met and actually succeeded.”
“The course was great.”
“I have the affirmation to respond now.”
Safe to Say
North Ayrshire Social Care & Health Team, November 2018
“The learning climate was nurturing and supportive.”
“Expectations were set from the outset.”
“The survivors’ film was inspirational, the individuals were very brave.”
“The film gave us real examples from people who had experienced CSA”
“The input from the trainers was excellent. They managed the pace and although difficult subject were supportive throughout.”
“The group work was excellent, I learnt a lot from other disciplines.”
“I have not attended any training in recent years, where I have felt such an increasing confidence for my future practice.”
Safe to Say – Working with Adult Disclosures of CSA
Turning Point Scotland, October 2018
“Letting us know we didn’t always need to provide a solution, we just need to listen and believe. This gives me confidence.”
“The BME issue was excellent, another powerful presentation.”
“The survivors film was excellent, it was powerful to watch and listen to them telling of their experience.”
“Thank you very much for this experience, I believe that it will make an enormous contribution to improving my practice.”
“The trainer’s were personable, professional, approachable and had a massive amount of knowledge.”
Safe for Parents to Say
Health and Community Staff, Edinburgh, February 2018
“A safe space, open to sharing.”
“It was so useful to have suggestions of how to ask, information on the extent of sexual abuse and possible signs of what to look for.”
“It was beneficial to have two days to explore fully and hearing the views of people with lived experience.”
“The trainers were intelligent, I felt listened to, they were humble, although had a wealth of experience.”
“Really liked the examples threaded through the course, brought the material to life.”
“It was really good to be able to hear from survivors and challenge the stereotypes, would be powerful for other survivors that may have not disclosed.”
“Just right amount of time to reflect as progressing through the course.”
“I learnt more than I imagined I would, feeling inspired and looking forward to develop within my practice. Thank you.”
Safe to Say
Child Abuse Investigation Teams, Metropolitan Police, January 2018
“I felt I could say what I wanted.”
“Feedback from the care survivor was very useful, as were the documentary films.”
“Found discussing dissociation really useful as well as recognising trauma to ourselves and its effects.”
“Always good to hear victims experience to assist with our role.”
Making It Safe To Say Workshop, Leeds, January 2018
“Not only do I have better understanding, but more confidence in skills in how to support survivors.”
“What helped? The opportunity for self reflection, validation/confirmation of own thoughts by the facilitator and peer support.”
“Reassured that you don’t have to be an expert and greater knowledge and clarity about work.”
“Valued the space to think, explore and talk about CSA.”
SAMH Alba Project, Self-Injury Training, January 2018
“The best I’ve experienced yet. The group felt at ease in my opinion.”
“The most useful aspect of the course were being honest about the potential issues, in terms of working with people who self-harm, reasons for self-harm, and complexity behind self-harm.”
“Thank you for making a challenging subject interesting to learn about.”
“I liked the quotes of people who self-harmed, poems made it very real for me and questioned my attitudes about self-harm.”
North Ayrshire Health and Social Work team, Kilwinning, November 2017
“The learning environment was very open and non-judgemental, which allowed people to share their experiences.”
“I was allowed time for reflection, provided with personal examples which encouraged participation, never felt pressured to share.”
“The survivors film was extremely powerful. I think seeing pictures of the survivors as children was very powerful, as it reminded me that although they are adults now, the trauma happened to them as children.”
“All my expectations were fully met, I feel more confident and equipped to deal with adult survivors of child sexual abuse.”
“The most useful aspects of the course were the reflective elements, that made you look at your own practice and beliefs.”
“This was an excellent course and I would highly recommend it to others.”
“Realising the common sense approach, that no fancy new skills are required, everyone can make a difference and time is not an issue.”
The Share team, Kirkliston, May 2017
Given that our objectives for Say to Say training are to help staff feel more confident and competent in responding to survivors, and also more self-aware, we were particularly pleased to receive some of the following feedback:
“It was an intimate setting, everyone sat in a small circle which helped me feel safe to talk about a difficult topic.”
“My expectations were exceeded, the course touched me as a person.”
“As the course progressed people felt more comfortable to talk and open-up about their understanding/fears in relation to sexual abuse.”
“I thought the pace was excellent, allowed people the time they needed to process very difficult information.”
“It went well, at times a little slow, however this led to more open discussions within the group.”
“I felt that it was great that it was group-led.”
“The materials on the course were of high quality, especially things like the Can of Worms book, they are good for self-reflection.”
And last about the film:
“This was an excellent piece of work, portrayed in a sympathetic way that dealt with shocking abuse in a relatable way.”
North Ayrshire Health and Social Work team, Kilwinning, March 2017
“There was no aspect that I didn’t feel I learnt from”
“Excellent , very insightful”
“Very powerful and learnt a lot from the survivors”
“Very good to be constantly involved and stimulated within training”
“Learnt a lot about myself over the past few days”
Safe for Parents to Say
Children & Families Workers South Edinburgh, January 2017
“Excellent course … I can say it was probably the best course I have ever been on, and I’ve been on a few. Will inform my colleagues.”
“So different from any other training I have experienced … thoughtful, responsive, unpressurised, caring and considered.”
“Brilliant, supportive, encouraging, knowledgeable, human!”
“Trainers were friendly and approachable. Very sympathetic when they needed to be, their knowledge and experience was clearly evident when delivering the course.”
“Very powerful … it was valuable to hear what survivors wanted from professionals around them.”
“I have gained a better understanding and knowledge and what changes I will make to practice.”
Safe for Parents to Say
Glasgow West Childcare Forum, September 2016
“This course has helped me personally and professionally. Please keep doing what you’re doing.”
“Uncomfortable subject but done with huge sensitivity.”
“Very well delivered … it has made me feel that it’s okay not to know all the answers and it’s okay to talk about such a subject.”
Safe for Parents to Say
Glasgow South Childcare Forum, September 2016
“Lot of the questions I had were answered through this training. It has made me more aware and confident in my practice.”
“Plenty of opportunities for reflection.”
“The trainers were well informed, creating a safe environment, holding the group and opening up discussions well.”
Safe to Say
Alliance Scotland Course Participants, October 2015
“I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was brilliantly delivered, so well done to both trainers. Completely exceeded my expectations and I learnt a lot and reflected a lot on my practice.”
“Great course – addresses a difficult topic in a way that gives more insightful understanding empowering me with the confidence to help people I work with.”
“The tutors were fantastic – I really hope more people take the course (especially those who work with people in some form)”
“I want to thank Sue and Irene for making me feel so welcomed and able to share when I wanted to share, without judgement. The whole atmosphere was guided by the trainers and allowed a calm and safe environment.”
“I didn’t know what to expect so it was great to have such an insightful course of learning on what is an essential and very important area for my work”
“Really great trainers some of the best Ive had, their warmth and energy and passion for this subject made what is a difficult area enjoyable and productive.”
“The whole course has been useful, no aspect less valuable than the rest”
“Perfect pace, lots of time for reflecting”
Safe to Say
Course Participants, Feb 2015
“I learned so much, I feel as if it has given me confidence as a support worker to deal with disclosures of abuse. I would recommend this course to all in my organisation.”
“Amazing course, I will definitely be able to incorporate my learning here into my practice.”
“This course more than met my expectations in comparison to other courses. I have taken more from these 2.5 days than I ever dreamt.”
“All my expectations were met and then some!”
Safe to Say
Post-graduate psychology students, Edinburgh University, April 2015
“It went beyond my expectations, especially the extent of self-evaluation and understanding of how practice is being carried and effects it may have on clients and ourselves.”
“Very stimulating and a positive feeling of trust and understanding.”
“Very useful approach to CSA training … very inclusive … felt like shared discovering of stories of survivors and personal experiences. The course was great, all expectations met.”
“A very validating course, inviting discussions and making sure all voices were heard.”
“Expanded my knowledge, especially about male and BME survivors. I feel more confident talking to survivors now. Thank you so much.”
Training for Trainers
Course Participants, May 2014
“I felt all aspects of the course were useful. I also found the course was cleverly constructed to include self, abuse, facilitation, etc. All learning activities were useful.”
“This course has taught me so much in so many different ways and will have a significant impact on my practice. It has been a pleasure to be part of and has left me empowered and energised to progress this work. Thank you so much.”
“Thanks for providing an environment that allowed for critical review and addressing concerns in a non-judgemental way.”
“The learning climate was very good and supportive and made it very easy to learn. I felt supported throughout and assured that the trainers were competent and knowledgeable … I loved this course, it’s been a privilege to have been a part of it and I can’t wait to get out and deliver the training.”
Safe for Parents to Say
Course Participants, Jan 2015
“The quality of openness about the topic was very important. This went beyond my expectations.”
“Thought-provoking, supportive, encouraging … Different perspectives really useful.”
“A fantastic, sensitive, nurturing, knowledgeable and friendly group … Touched by the personal comments and the seeds given. Thank you very much.”
“All of the course was useful. It has given me the confidence to take action in my practice and assert myself with colleagues. I feel empowered.”
“The input from the trainers was absolutely superb. Excellent delivery and utter respect shown to everybody. They made us feel completely comfortable and valued.”