Satanist ritual abuse – two important published articles

The National Newspaper has, over the past few days, published two important articles on the subject of satanist ritual abuse, both of which deserve attention.


On the 25th anniversary of the day in 1991 that children in South Ronaldsay, Orkney were taken into care, the following article written by Jean Rafferty was published:

When evil visited Orkney: Untold story of ritual child abuse allegations on the island


This compelling, thoughtful precis of the infamous Orkney and Ayrshire cases raises serious unanswered questions and was followed today by another excellent commentary from Sarah Nelson in this piece:

Orkney, Ayrshire, Cleveland … will the authorities ever learn about child sexual abuse cases?


The articles are both unusual and courageous by virtue of the fact they have been published.  As both authors highlight, the subject of satanist ritual abuse is normally at best avoided and at times actively buried.  For this reason, we feel it important to acknowledge the bravery of these pieces and of The National newspaper and would encourage you to read both articles.