James Rhodes Fundraising Concert POSTPONED

We are sad to announce that James Rhodes has had to postpone his performance for Safe to Say which was to be held in the Queens Halls in Edinburgh on 28th January 2016.  We will of course keep you informed of the new date when it has been agreed.  This is likely to be in the Autumn/Winter of 2016 so lots of time to plan.


James’s performance was part of the launch of Safe to Say’s fundraising arm and despite not having such a grand and exciting extravaganza, we have decided to launch as planned.  We will be selling raffle tickets over the next few months and already have some wonderful prizes donated by friends of Safe to Say.


Thank you to everyone who had bought tickets for the performance and although we are all disappointed, we will have a wonderful evening next year when James will sprinkle his magic for us.  We are forever grateful to him for being so willing to help.


We also greatly appreciate Catherine Deveney’s readiness to be part of the performance and we know she will be there next year if at all possible.


This is what James said about the performance.

I’m so thrilled to be able to play a small part in raising both awareness and much-needed funds for such a brilliant and important organisation. Safe to Say provides vital training in how best to help and support adult survivors of sexual abuse who have finally found their voice, at a time when it has never been more important to listen to them.


Please continue to support us to raise funds to allow us to train those people who are working on a daily basis with Survivors of CSA.